Wednesday, 30 December 2009

My first time!

I've never blogged before, and for once I'm speechless! I was amazed that I was able to navigate my way to this point, being very poorly skilled on the computer (a legacy of coming from a family of computer whizzkids!). Anyway, I lost my first blog title-choice due to accidentally hitting the wrong key whilst choosing my template, but cleverly (or not) managed to find something remarkably, similarly dull! So here I am, and I can't think of anything intelligent or profound to say. I'm not even sure if I will be able to publish this without help from someone else. Very often long, beautifully-written e-mails disappear without a trace into nothing-ness before my very eyes, never to be found again, but I will not let this deter me. It says quite clearly on the bottom that this draft is autosaved. Although I am aware that a) I may never be able to find the autosaved copy and b) you should not start sentences with words such as because, and or although...

I have never even read a blog, I have no idea whether anyone will read this or anything else I write, whether I am supposed to reveal any details about myself or whether I should admit that I can't even type and that it has has taken me at least 20 minutes to type this alone. Or that my whole family is waiting for me to finish and get dressed so that we can make the 1.5 hour journey to the in-laws to exchange Xmas presents! Hmmm, I guess I should try and publish this immediately (is publishing stuff on here immediate?) and get ready to go-I even need to wash my hair, although i may just use dry shampoo and wash it tonight as it will stink of smoke by the time I leave said relations' house.......

There is no guarantee that I will ever be able to find my blog-site again, this may be a fantastic one-off and anyone who, by miserable chance stumbles upon it and wants to see more may be left wondering about my cyber-fate, but if luck is on my side and I happen to remember, in a sudden middle-of-the-night brainwave, my password/email/blog id/blog name/father's mother's maiden name etc that gets me back on here, I'll inanely ramble to you again.

Yours muddledly, Lucy. x


Unknown said...

Lucy I love you for your insane madness :D Catherine M x

Unknown said...

I am glad you have thought more carefully about that. Loved your first two blogs, keeping blogging baby!!!!